CELEBRATE MLK DAY 2014: We are passed the age of judging whites according to the content of their character & must, as Ra does, judge them singurlarly according to the color of their skin.

We are currently under a racist 'false flag' attack by many (whites) across the virtual nation who, representing us as a "hate/violence blog that's out of bounds from normal freedom of speech," are attempting to subvert our peaceful, but self defensive message & mission to Blogger in hopes of getting this outpost shutdown. Many false flaggers are associated w/historically racist white nationalist groups such as "Niggermania, Stormfront, & "Chimpout" who are opposed to our reparations movement. Google is hosting murderous Black Foot Soldier website for free, the notoriously anti-black Council of Conservative Citizens asserts. "The NBFSN deplores violence in black on white BOW reparations protests when staged against generational Trans Atlantic slave trade race criminals (whether direct or non direct profiteers) when protesters are forced to defend themselves against the violent Holocaust denial of reparations offenders. Soldiers are encouraged to contact Blogger to show support, however, formerly published auxiliary publishing processes are now in place. The NBFSN does not advocate violence against whites, white police or 'hate speech' and is a non violent & non relligious specific social movement. Reparations is not about handouts, free money or lazy blacks. It is a debt the US has owed far too long. Continue to stand for justice. " - Yusef Douglas, publisher; (PLUS SEE:) The NEW GhettoBraggingRights!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

MESSAGE TO WHITE AMERICA: “YOU OWE,” National Black Foot Soldier Network; Now watch some stupid cracker say, ‘get over it,’ ‘slavery was a long time ago,’ ‘my family didn’t own slaves, ‘the Jews owned the slave ships,’ or ‘your own kind sold you into slavery.’

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SEE: “Reparations denial is white supremacist racial terror-ism we will protect ourselves against. If you are not making restitution for your kind’s generational race crimes, you are attacking us. We will defend ourselves from your violence.”
NBFSN Coutner Terrorism Minister Malachi Louis
nbfsn-DRKSALL WHITES R REPARATIONS OFFENDERS;” Definition Of A Reparations Offender: Direct & Non Direct, Which R You? The entire “Western world” profited and still reaps benefits from both that slave trade and the concept of white supremacy and the institution of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. Therefore, the entire white world owes.
Contemporary whites’ position that they don’t owe for slavery is in the same vain of their morally degenerate forefathers who set forth barriers to make the climate to seek reparations impossible after their so-called abolishment of slavery was set fourth. “All whites are reparations offenders,” says NBFSN General Cedishon Angelou.
“When you hear whites say: ‘get over it,’ ‘slavery was a long time ago,’ ‘my family didn’t own slaves, ‘the Jews owned the slave ships,’ ‘your own kind sold you into slavery,’ and other sentiments like these, know these are the most common excuses these devils will use in attempts to not accept responsibiltity for and make restitution for their kind’s generational race crimes. Know today that these are unacceptable racist statements reparations offenders use in support of their kind’s historical racial terrorism. Whites who make statements like these are just as racially terroristic as the whites who dehumanized and terrorized our ancestors during the slave trade and even in this – the post Trans Atlantic slave trade era. Most often, these are the kinds of whites you will have to defend yourself against in a repartions protest.” NBFSN Counter Terrorism minister Malachi Louis.

g44-DRKRUWUWNational Legal & Policy Center’s “The Case Against Slave Reparations” by Reparations Of-fenders Peter Flaherty & John Carlisle Dismantled; Ask Rusty Ross: is my property on the NBFSN Slavery Repartions List? Featuring Michael “Slave Avenger” Thorpe; “Tell whites, no slavery reparatons, no peace! 400 years of slavery equals 800 years of freedom!” NBFSN

“There are direct reparations offenders and non-direct reparations offenders. Direct reparations offenders are whites from families who owned slaves. Non direct reparations offenders are whites from families who enjoyed either (or both) enjoyed the economic and social position the institution of slavery and white racism afforded them. We do not see the non-direct ones as less guilty than the ones who actually did own slaves.”